Emile Henry Cheese Baker - Grand Cru

Emile Henry Cheese Baker - Grand Cru

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Emile Henry Cheese Baker is ideal for preparing cheese to be served hot: melted brie-based appetizers, mini-fondue or French ‘raclette’ style dinner.

Whether it is brie, mozzarella or goat cheese; simply place the cheese in the baker, add sweet or savory garnish, close the lid and put in the oven. Once baked, serve directly in the baker.

The practical lid helps keep the cheese moist and infuses the flavours. It also helps retain smells and keeps the cheese hot until served. And thanks to the Emile Henry Hight Resistance© ceramic, it will also maintain the recipe hot during the service. The bright glaze is resistant, non-porous, durable and easy to clean. Dishwasher safe.

All Emile Henry products are made in France and offer a ten year guarantee. 


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