Zwilling Four Star 5.5 inch Bagel Knife

Zwilling Four Star 5.5 inch Bagel Knife

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Over 40 years ago ZWILLING J.A. Henckels revolutionized the standards for top-quality knives with the introduction of the seamless synthetic handle in the Four Star series. This masterpiece of safety, ergonomics and comfort has become the best selling ZWILLING J.A. Henckels knife series worldwide. Each knife is precision forged from a single piece of steel, resulting in a sturdy, balanced, and flexible blade. The seamless transition from bolster to handle makes Four Star knives comfortable for long periods of use. The bolster provide.s the right balance while acting as a safe finger guard.

The 5.5 inch Bagel knife is perfect for slicing your morning bagel, tomatoes or small baguettes. 

Made in Germany

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